Ford Fiesta 2015 gallery

A Price Drop Is Expected For The New Ford Fiesta 2015

2014-09-17 15:02:37 / author: Katy Riddick views: 7 / 11390

The much-anticipated Ford Fiesta 2015 is set to come out at the beginning of 2015. In the starting phase of the production, not many details about this model have been revealed to the public, but now you can finally get a better picture of what the latest Ford Fiesta is going to bring to the table.

Is it going to be different?

Even though many expectations were certainly place for this model, it turns out that no majestic new changes have been made to the model at all. It is still going to be a satisfactory purchase for the fans of the series, but after so much hype, it seems that the car might not live up to the expectations after all.

Have any changes been introduced?

This is actually the last model which is going to be introduced under the title of Ford Fiesta, as Ford announced a major redesign to occur. The only notable difference might be the interior design which has been suited to represent a sporty version, as opposed to the regular compact interior design this series has followed so far. Other than that, everything else seems to be just about the same. The drivers will still have access to the traditional small design and the 98 inch wheelbase.

How many models are going to come out?

The Ford Fiesta 2015 is estimated to come out with four different models. That would be the base S, midline SE, performance ST and Titanium models. The 2015 Ford Fiesta shares the 2014 model’s design which has been derived from the 2013 Ford Fusion. So, despite having so many choices, drivers will still have to settle for the traditional design of the previous models. The only changes are in the exterior color, and a few equipment changes.

What about the price?

A refreshing change which sadly has nothing to do with the performance or design comes with the price. Ford recently announced a slight price reduction for the Ford Fiesta 2015. Drivers who are looking to make one of these cars their property can now look forward to a price reduction of between $235 – $485. Even though it is not a large decrease, this is certainly going to make the model much more affordable. In all honesty, since nothing has changed in particular, a huge price tag on the Ford’s latest model wasn’t really justified in the first place. This way, drivers will be able to save up some money and still have the privilege of experiencing the 2015’s Ford Fiesta.


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