Drifting goes terribly bad in Audi V8 2019-10-20 17:58:45 They say that drifting is not a child’s play and quite rightly so. The driver presents us with the perfect real life example at an event which looks like a racing contest of some sort. There is a... Read more...
Audi 80 good performance in a rally race 2015-06-22 02:10:27 Rally racing can be really difficult and hectic and needs a tough and reliable car to win the race. Audi 80 is one of those cars that give equally superb performance throughout the race. The driver develops trust... Read more...
Audi RS7, A Transcendental Experience 2015-06-09 23:11:41 The Audi RS7 is without a doubt, one of the most graceful and astounding cars, ever been made, and that is especially true about the one in the video. The Nardo gray color was a perfect match for... Read more...
Inexperienced Driver Crashes Audi S5 In The Bus Station While Drifting 2015-04-18 12:03:02 Audi S5 represents the improved version of S4, as well as the more luxurious version of A5. The production began in 2007 and targeted a few different variants, including coupe, fastback, and Cabrio ones. Just like it was... Read more...
Become The Beast Itself - Audi Nanuk 2015-04-18 05:27:09 Words cannot begin to describe the beautiful monstrosity that is the Audi Nanuk. With an engine that contain eight cylinders, and 720 horsepower, this beast should not have been created in the first place. With its headlights designed... Read more...
Turn up the music with Audi A1 2015-03-13 19:07:56 Glamour, sound effects, style, art and a lot more is mixed to make this fantabulous short commercial of Audi A1. The idea that is conveyed is that one shouldn’t go on its small size as it holds immense... Read more...
audi A6 prefers bright 2015-03-12 03:22:15 Are you still in quest of a convenient car? Then let us introduce the Audi A6! This car can be described as a perfect balance of powerfulness and comfort, action and emotions, economy and intellect. The famous German automaker... Read more...
Audi Coupe Performs The Longest Burnout Drift Ever 2015-02-18 05:50:09 Audi Coupe is one of the most attractive models produced by the German manufacturer overtime. It is also ranked to be a quite luxurious model, mostly because of the featured interior. However, the Audi Coupe in this video... Read more...
Audi R10 - Dominating Le Mans Since Day One 2015-02-17 21:09:47 While mostly made of carbon fiber for a lightweight profile, Audi R10 is a powerful car designed with the one and only purpose to race. It is not street legal. Instead, it looks like Formula 1 rally cars.... Read more...
Welcome Back To The Jungle, Love Audi Le Mans 2015-02-16 01:28:28 The superb Audi Le Mans car is a sight to behold, cruising through city streets, powering past a tractor on country roads, taking its tour to the Porsche factory, back delivering a slap to the face fo its... Read more...