Chevrolet Beretta gallery

Chevrolet Beretta - More Durable Than You Can Imagine

2015-04-21 23:22:52 / author: Katy Riddick views: 5 / 5275

Chevrolet Beretta

Chevrolet Beretta is a compact coupe produced during the '80s and '90s. It did not stand up in the crowd through any major innovations. In fact, it was actually a disappointment because the fans were expecting a convertible car that never showed up. With all these, Chevrolet Beretta is a quite durable and sturdy car. This video makes it obvious. Such a heavy utility monster can crush pretty much any car. But if you look at this Beretta, it tends to maintain its shape. Only the roof is a little crushed, but this is pretty much it. If anyone were in the car, they would still be alive.


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