chevrolet Corsa gallery

Never Teach Your Girl How To Set Manual Mode In A Chevrolet Corsa

2015-06-12 21:32:40 / author: Katy Riddick views: 3 / 5086

The automatic mode obviously ensures a “free” hand if you have a girl on the right seat of your Chevrolet...

Chevrolet Corsa is a derivative of the more popular Opel Corsa. This Chevrolet variant has been developed in South America only. There were some slight differences between the European and South American variants though. The car was produced since 1994 and spread over two generations until 2010. The commercial is for the second generation. It describes the elegant design of this car, yet it mostly focuses on the automatic and manual modes. It is a funny and sexy commercial though. The automatic mode obviously ensures a “free” hand if you have a girl on the right seat. Just make sure that she has no idea how to switch to the manual mode.



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