mazda MX-5 gallery

Mazda MX-5 perfect 360s

2015-05-03 20:42:56 / author: Daxon Weaver views: 10 / 6357

mazda MX-5

Some cars aren’t made for performing stunts and maneuvers, but Mazda MX-5 is clearly not one of those cars and drivers show what it can do. With continuous 360s in perfect alignment, the close bird’s eye view camera captures a great stunt. It looks like as if they are in a competition to perform more 360s than the other to set a new record. Seems like the drivers just couldn’t resist performing stunts on MX-5 and perform a continuity of stunts. The infinite number of tire marks on the road show that they have been rehearsing for it for quite some time.


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