mitsubishi Sapporo gallery

A blue diamond of mitsubishi Sapporo

2015-01-31 16:34:28 / author: Stacey Lexus views: 1 / 10147

mitsubishi SapporoTimes change, the fashion comes and goes, but the classic cars still stay popular forever! 

One from such examples of the eternal classic is Mitsubishi Sapporo, better known as Eterna Lambda. It has classic body shapes, acknowledged by time, but today we could show you this model in a new light. By the way, this two-door coupe has got its name after the capital of the Winter Olympic Games of 1976 in Japan. Sapporo has only 160 hp, but its design was made in the best traditions of the western Texas movies. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find such a model for driving today, but we can offer you to get esthetic pleasure from the classic for free watching!mitsubishi Sapporomitsubishi Sapporomitsubishi Sapporomitsubishi Sapporo


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