Supersize That Shake With The Piaggio Xevo 2015-05-02 23:16:20 One of the most pleasant sounds of driving either a car or a motorcycle is the sound of necks twisting and snapping. Designed with a large back and delicious front that melts the hearts and charms the ladies... Read more...
Go 9 Times Faster With The Piaggio X9 2015-04-25 00:18:02 With a mean pair of wheels, seductive yet glaring headlights, and an engine to match its name, it is no wonder why this baby is named the Piaggio X9. With plenty of room for your helmet and snacks,... Read more...
Doing Donuts With A Piaggio Typhoon 2015-03-16 01:23:02 The Piaggio Typhoon might not be the best choice if you want to do donuts in a parking lot, but as you can see in this short coub attached, it still worth a try. At least the kid... Read more...
Piaggio Si stunts still give a great show 2015-03-13 12:43:40 Piaggio Si is used for bike stunts widely around the world. It comes as a shock that it has been used for stunts and maneuvers for more than two decades. The video is an old but gold and... Read more...