sym Symphony gallery

Sym Symphony, Your Little Red Bugger

2015-06-11 08:04:38 / author: Ben Weir views: 4 / 2928

sym SymphonyAs you can see, the Sym Symphony isn’t necessarily the most stylish scooter that has ever been designed. And we probably won’t accuse SsangYang Motor Company (the creator) of being trailblazers in the field either. Still, when the Sym first came out it found its audience, who in exchange for their money, got a very consistent scooter with excellent gas mileage. On top of that, the scooter can still represent a quality choice for those who don’t want to use it in the city, but rather as a mean to travel short distances in a non-urban environment.sym Symphonysym Symphonysym Symphonysym Symphonysym Symphonysym Symphony



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