Volvo S90 gallery

The Prime Executive of Volvo S90

2015-02-02 23:58:19 / author: iwriterwork views: 7 / 10881

Volvo S90

When I get to see this Volvo, exactly that first comes in mind is the beast; the vehicle of the US president. But the beast is different from the S90. The 5-seater Volvo S90 has a classic feel, and I think would be just perfect for top government officials or high-grade business men in its days. I also love the dark glass window as on the second gate. I just love sedan cars with tinted glasses and long wheelbase. Do you want to know why? Well, maybe I just have some "fun" in there when riding in them especially with someone special, enjoying excellent interior and its luxury features.

Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90Volvo S90


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