
2014 Lamborghini Gallardo

2014-09-27 13:52:49 / author: Katy Riddick views: 5 / 7975

2014 Lamborghini Gallardo Featured With Advanced Technology

The new 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo has been modified for the smoother performance on the race track. The officials agreed that the model has not undergone any significant modification which needs to be highlighted as such. “No specific module of the technical component has undergone modification”, said official sources, Lamborghini. In fact, the sibling model of the Lamborghini, the Lamborghini Huracan has been officials modified for a fresh intro to the market. The test drive of the new 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo and Huracan model of same module has been conducted on the official track and estimations were marked by the official sources.

The 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo, and its sibling Huracan, have been loaded for ultimate 490 HP of power for meeting the general road requirements. It has been a fantastic achievement by the Lamborghini automaker to formulate the 490HP of power source for a general road, thanks to 3.8L twin turbo charged engine that has been integrated in the model. Like the Japanese version, there is 6 Speed Sequential Gearbox that has been used to boost up and stabilize the turbo charged mechanism of advanced Powertrain of the 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo as well in the Huracan models.

On the other hand, the experts agree to optimize the model for the higher power version. But, it will not be available for the direct road access, keeping the safety issues in mind. The officials agree that their 2014 Lamborghini Huracan is not as per the rules of the AIS and hence can’t be handled to a common man on the urban roads. With the help of XTrac 6 Speed Sequential Gearbox, it has been made possible for the model to override the speed at 600+ HP of power and witness the extra shots of the performance at the officially customized track.

The real time updates and exclusive reports from the sources suggest that these extraordinary models including 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo will not be available for the public sale, but, will be offered to the selected customer base on the exclusive orders. There are no official words on the price point of the model. However, the engineers concur that it has endless possibilities of real world applications and will soon come up as a common integration in the super cars. The new technology of the Lamborghini is yet to be revealed on the official stake. Still, it is clear that the experts have astonishing machines for the future.

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