
2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

2014-10-01 23:56:25 / author: Brian Evans views: 3 / 8142

The car that is equipped with all new and latest gadgets along with style is Mercedes Benz

E class. The new E class has worked more on economy and performance.” the model will

give high performance along with elegant style”. The seven speed automatic transmission

makes it very easy and smooth to shift modes and steering wheel. The 2014 model were

more stylish and smoother as compared to other. The new cabin is equipped with new

latest functionalities that make it luxurious. The new features of E class are analog clock that

is mounted in center giving an new and different look. The brake assist system will avoid

accidents while pre-safe belts will increase the safety measures.”The models are equipped

with more gadgets and styling”.

The Mercedes-Benz E Class is so much progressed to its mid dimension and also design

renewed is done truly. The square formed front lights are gone now, and changed by four

parallelogram formed lights that provide an exclusive look to E- Class car. Now the car

is more angular. This car was released before decades but now it is remodeled by 2014

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Organization to get more company from it. New functions, new

design is included to the look and performing of 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class car. Most

energy teaches of 2009 E-class is taken over now. all of the above a new function is included

to this decade 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Benz E-Class are front lights, which are having

a digital to identify onset visitors and modify mild light supports strength. Also, the E-Class

are now prepared with a night-vision program and chairs with massage operate. The E-Class

can be regarded as a mid way between C-class and S-class. Some functions are from S-class

and some are from C-class. A button is there that manages the COMMAND infotainment

program, the stereo control buttons, and the device indicators. With the decrease of costs

of remodeled design of 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Benz E63 individuals were saying that

there must have done some compromise in top quality to get the cost crack but these

terms seem lost as no top quality is given up. The new E-class is now extensive owner with

a communicative guiding to start. There is no question that 2010 E-class is the outstanding

vehicle that the 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class showed. We can say that E-class has the same

energy but with the new experience.

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